Thoughts #1: Love, accepting and stillness

It isn’t that I don’t want to experience romantic love. It’s just that I don’t see how it would make me happy. Contentment is something I’ve never had before, and now that I’m witnessing a glimpse of it, I’d give credit to two things: acceptance and stillness. Not romance. There’s liberation in watching things fall apart as you stand uncomfortably but with satisfaction because you know you’ve tried to make the best of the cards you’ve been dealt. BeingContinue reading “Thoughts #1: Love, accepting and stillness”


As you hold your smartphone, a short trip to your internet browser can lead you into a search engine we all know as Google. If you type “fortification meaning” the definition it gives you is simple and precise. According to Google’s dictionary, fortification is a “defensive wall or other reinforcement built to strengthen a placeContinue reading “Fortification”

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